Wednesday October 23, 2024

Rosh Hashanah

Jew enjoying outdoor feast

The next upcoming Rosh Hashanah starts on sundown of October 2nd ending at sundown on Friday October 4th, 2024.

Celebration\ Observance

Rosh Hashanah is a family time of time together with special meals and sweet foods such as challah bread and apples and honey. Before the holiday, all debts are settled and the Jewish people seek forgiveness from others. It is a time when God looks upon a person's deeds, a time of judgment and remembrance , and a time of prayer and penitence. Prayers are often done near naturally flowing water called the tashlikh. Many take the day off based on the belief of no work permitted on Rosh Hashanah.


Rosh Hashanah covers two days (first day is called Tishrei) which is part of the 10 High Holy Days which concludes with Yom Kippur. Festivities mark the beginning of the fall harvest since the earliest days of the Israelites. It is also believed to mark the creation of Adam and Eve- the first man and woman created by God.

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